Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Memogate and the Religion of Peace

Faith-Based Journalism

Dan Rather continues to insist that the Air National guard memos impuning President Bush's service are real.

At the same time, the evidence of forgery continues to mount. There are numerous reports of folks retyping the memos in Microsoft Word and recreating them exactly, including line wrap-arounds, fonts, and the proportional spacing between letters. On Fox News last night, Brit Hume played a video of one of these overlaid on the original and the match was perfect.

Even if Bush's squadron had a typewriter capable of producing the infamous superscripted "th", the odds of all of these oddities coming together simultaneously are about the same as having a '59 Buick spontaneously appear in your kitchen. The latest quantum interpretations of time and space may say that such events are possible, but they're highly improbable. Maybe a million monkeys, typing on a million typewriters, for a million years could produce those memos, but I don't think they were in the Texas Air National Guard in 1973. Our trusty simians were busy reproducing the works of Shakespeare in some alternate universe where John Kerry actually earned his medals and John Edwards donated his fees to the poor.

Still, Dan Rather and CBS continue to believe, no matter what a growing legion of experts throw at them. That, my friends, is not investigative journalism. It's pure faith: a "belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence", according to Now faith can be a wonderful thing. Faith in your spouse can lead to a better marriage. Faith in yourself can help you overcome obstacles along the way. Faith in a benevolent creator can make the world a better place. On the other hand, misguided faith can lead to disaster.

Dan Rather seems to have plenty of the latter. He has faith in his still unidentified sources. He has faith in the fealty, judgment and fitness of John Kerry to be our President. He apparently has enough faith in the venality of George Bush that it easily trumps his journalistic integrity.

Well, I don't share Dan's religion. Neither do most Americans. Only 27% according to a recent poll.

If CBS is so arrogant as to demand our trust without verification, then the demise of the "main stream media" is closer than ever.

Religion of Peace

A Muslim cleric in Great Britain has endorsed taking children hostage to further the goals of the Islamofascists. Why is this maniac still on the loose and giving interviews to the British press?

The article refers to him as an extremist. Extreme compared to what? I won't believe he's out of the mainstream until there are thousands of Muslims, in major cities around the world, marching, carrying signs and loudly denouncing this kind of talk. Atrocity after atrocity committed by their Muslim brothers, and hardly a word in protest, just excuses.

We're Not Invited

Take a look at Michelle Malkin's site. There's a widely reported story about Muslims in New Jersey renting Six Flags on a Friday when the park is normally closed. Only Muslims will be allowed in to this "Great Muslim Adventure Day". Other groups have had similar events, but always permitted outsiders to attend.

Just curious, but how are they going to maintain the purity of the park population for they day. Will everyone showing up at the gates have to make a statement of Shahada declaring their faith in Allah and Mohammed? Can you convert for the day just to get in? What if you change your mind once the park closes? Will you be declared an apostate and be pursued by Islamic death squads for the rest of your life? Seems like a high price just to ride the Great American Scream Machine".

I think I'll pass. But I do resent the double standard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we were not invited to the middle east... did that stop you?
hell just bomb the park, go fix it and 'help out' for a bit if your dIeING to go for a ride.

September 15, 2004 at 9:14 PM  

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